How Long Do Braces Take To Straighten Teeth?

how long do braces take to straighten teeth woonona nsw

If you need your teeth straightened and are comparing traditional braces with clear aligners, you probably want to know how long do braces take to straighten teeth. While the duration of the treatment does play a role in your decision-making there are other aspects you should consider. Let’s take a look at what you can expect from orthodontic treatment and how long it could take.

How Do Clear Aligners And Orthodontic Braces Differ?

types and how long do braces take to straighten teeth woononaAligners, such as Invisalign, and metal braces work by applying pressure to the teeth. The way they do this is different though. Orthodontic braces work on a system of wires and brackets while aligners are fitted over the front of the teeth. metal braces cannot be removed, but aligners can be taken out of your mouth for eating and drinking.

So How Long Do Braces Take To Straighten Teeth?

Your dental practitioner will provide you with a treatment plan and timeline when you have had your first consultation. Remember that everyone is different and has different orthodontic needs – and this influences their treatment time directly. 

There is no overnight fix to straighten teeth. It is a process that takes a fair amount of time – and it is currently not possible to rush it. While we are aware that many people aren’t that keen on the aesthetics of wearing braces you must remember that it will be for fixed period of time (to be determined by your dental practitioner) and once that time has passed, you can look forward to a straight smile and you won’t be wearing braces anymore. You really just have to keep your end-goal in sight.

How Long Does Invisalign Take To Straighten Teeth

Having orthodontic treatment with Invisalign can take anywhere from six to 18 months depending on your correction needs. Remember, your personal factors need to be taken into account so you could fit anywhere within this timeframe.

How Long Do Traditional Metal Braces Take To Straighten Teeth?

metal braces invisalign how long do braces take to straighten teeth woononaAgain there are no averages and it’s difficult to give an estimate but you can expect anything from 18 months to three years of treatment if you have traditional metal braces. 

Remember that in order for clear aligners to be effective at straightening teeth they must be worn for the minimum of 22 hours a day. Anything less than this can compromise your treatment plan. You will need to ensure you swap your aligners every two weeks and follow through with all your dental check ups.

If you go for metal braces you will need to have your adjustments done on a regular basis – usually every month.

Regardless of the type of orthodontics you choose, it’s important to follow all your dentist’s instructions and use your orthodontic appliance as directed. Maintaining contact with your dental practitioner is essential to reach your treatment milestones and manage your overall dental health.

If you have questions about how long do braces take to straighten teeth or whether metal braces or aligners are the right choice for you, please contact us for professional advice: (02) 4284 4486.


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