A wisdom tooth abscess is a serious dental issue that needs to be evaluated by your dental practitioner as soon as possible. If you leave it untreated the infection can get more severe, and spread to other parts of your body, causing serious illness. If you have a toothache or you suspect you may have formed a dental abscess around your wisdom teeth, it is a dental emergency and you should seek emergency dental care straight away.
What Is A Wisdom Tooth Abscess?
An abscess forms when pus develops and collects at the root of the tooth. The pus is a by-product of an infection in the inner part or core of your tooth and it presents a threat to your oral health.
The abscess may develop as a result of infection because of dental decay or a crack in your tooth enamel.
What Signs May Present With An Abscess?
While it is possible to have a dental abscess and not be aware of it, there are some signs and symptoms that could present including toothache, which may be very severe. Others may include:
- Swelling in your gums or face
- Tooth sensitivity especially to hot or cold temperatures
- A persistent bad taste
- Bad breath
- A fever
- A swollen jaw or swollen glands in the neck.
An untreated, a wisdom tooth abscess poses a serious threat to your oral health. The infection can spread to other teeth, as well as your gums and it can also threaten the health of the underlying jaw bone. It can also become really painful, the kind of pain that may not respond to pain medication.
Any toothache needs to be referred to your dentist and any dental decay should be addressed as soon as possible.
How To Treat An Abscess At Your Wisdom Tooth?
Abscesses do not self resolve and need urgent dental care. They are considered a dental emergency and can deteriorate very quickly. The kind of treatment that is used depends on how serious the abscess it, and may include
A root canal whereby the infected material must be cleaned out before filling and sealing the tooth canal.
- Antibiotics if the infection is severe and needs to be contained and stopped from spreading.
- Drawing the infected material may also be recommended.
- Tooth extraction if your dentist determines that the wisdom tooth cannot be saved and threatens your oral health, and the extraction may prevent the infection from spreading.
Preventing The Development Of A Dental Abscess
If you do report to your dentist early enough, you have a much better chance at containing the infection and saving your tooth. Generally, visiting your dentist every six months is a good preventative measure for your oral health although abscesses may only be apparent in dental x-rays.
Brushing and flossing twice a day is essential to keep your mouth clean and free of dental decay.
If you have any questions or concerns about a wisdom tooth abscess or toothache, please contact us for an appointment as soon as possible: (02) 4284 4486.