How to Get White Teeth? The Truth About Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure

how to get white teeth woonona

Even if you do the best job at brushing and flossing twice a day, as you get older, you will notice that your teeth become less white. Even though this is completely normal it’s not always desirable for patients who want a brighter smile. Professional teeth whitening is still the only fail-safe way to get whiter teeth. If you want to know how to get white teeth, this article is for you.

How To Get White Teeth: The Truth About Teeth Whitening Treatment

There is no shortcut or home remedy available to whiten teeth. If you want to remove intrinsic stains and address discolouration, the only way to do it is with professional teeth whitening treatments. 

This is because as you age, the dentin inside your teeth starts to turn yellow. Because your dental enamel is translucent, and because the outside surfaces of the teeth also develop stains as they are exposed to different substances, this yellowness becomes more prominent and affects the overall colour of your teeth.

The result of this is that teeth whitening products like whitening toothpaste, whitening strips and whitening kits are ineffective because they cannot penetrate dental enamel. Many of the touted home or natural remedies like baking soda, lemon juice and charcoal are actually abrasive and can erode your dental enamel. No matter how hard you brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste, if the stain is inside the tooth, you are not going to achieve anything other than damage to your enamel and gum tissue. 

How To Get White Teeth? 

  • Brush and floss twice a day for plaque control and fresh breath
  • Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleaning and to polish stains from the outside of the teeth
  • Quit smoking 
  • Cut back on drinking coffee, red wine and caffeinated beverages

Consider Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments

teeth whitening options woononaIf your teeth are discoloured because of intrinsic stains, the only way to address it is through professional teeth whitening treatments. Your dentist will let you know if you are eligible for teeth whitening during consultation and if you are, you have the option of chairside or at-home whitening.

Chairside teeth whitening treatments are administered by your dentist and are the fastest and safest way to whiten teeth. Your dentist will do the teeth whitening for you and you may be able to whiten your teeth to your desired shade in just one visit.

Take-home trays are administered by your dentist but allow you to do teeth whitening treatments from the comfort of your home. You will have to wait longer to see the results but you can still whiten teeth in a short period of time.

Teeth whitening is a science that needs to be managed by a professional. You should only have teeth whitening treatments under the guidance of your dentist, in the interests of preserving the health of your teeth and gums, and in terms of achieving your whitening goals.

If you want to know how to get white teeth quickly and safely, it’s best to speak to a dental professional. Please contact us for an appointment: (02) 4284 4486.


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